Scholarship in Europe: Best fully funded European scholarship hi

Scholarship in Europe: Best fully funded European scholarship

If you are searching for the best fully funded European scholarship, here’s 5 scholarships in Europe  that everyone who really wants to travel – but has no money – needs to know about. We believe that students who study abroad become the next generation of global leaders – and we want more of you to do it! Europe is an amazing place to study abroad, but we know that many of you need a scholarship to make your dreams come true.  That’s why in the post, we will talk about European scholarship that can help you cover your fees and bring you closer to your next big adventure.

How to study in Europe for free: scholarships

One of the alternatives to studying for free in Europe is with scholarships offered by European universities. There, students can study for free or pay very low prices.

Generally, the scholarship is awarded by:

Need: considering the candidate’s income or socioeconomic situation;

Merit: when the candidate proves that they have an academic, sporting, artistic or other difference in relation to their competitors;

Profile: when an institution offers specific scholarships for a profile, such as women, for example.

The requirements required at each university may vary, but normally the basic requirements to get a scholarship in any country are:

Have a good academic record;

Have skills, present a good CV and extracurricular activities;

Knowing languages: this must be proven through a proficiency exam;

Present the documents that the university in question requires;

Write a good motivation letter, a Personal Statement (or “personal essay”) and letters of recommendation.

Best fully funded European scholarship

Many countries in Europe offer scholarships to foreign students. Check out information about scholarships available in some of the most sought-after countries.

Master’s Chevening Program in the United Kingdom

The Chevening program is one of the most famous and highly regarded when it comes to scholarships in Europe. Every year around August, the program opens its call for scholarships to pursue a master’s degree in the United Kingdom. The Chevening scholarship is sensational and covers all the costs of scholarship recipients in the United Kingdom, which is a very expensive place to study and live. We have already had the privilege of interviewing two scholarship holders who gave tips for winning the Chevening scholarship  and talked about their experiences doing a master’s degree in the United Kingdom. Chevening’s selection process is quite long, so you have to be persistent so as not to abandon the project halfway through.

Orange Tulip Scholarship to study in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a great destination for those looking for scholarships in Europe: the universities are highly regarded and many programs are completely in English. The Orange Tulip Scholarship program from Nuffic Neso, an official body of the Dutch government, opens every year and offers scholarships for undergraduate and master’s degrees in the country for immigrants. Each university has its own scholarship notice for the program, so you have to read the notice carefully and see what type of scholarship is offered for the course you are looking for. The notice always opens in the second semester and ends around April. The important thing is to know that you first need to apply to university in the Netherlands, as without this you cannot apply for the Orange Tulip Scholarship.

Carolina Foundation and its scholarships to study in Spain

In mid-December, the Carolina Foundation opens its call for scholarships to study in Spain. The scholarships cover very different things: master’s degrees, doctorates, professional master’s degrees, training for civil servants and, in some notices, summer courses at universities in Spain. The notice is aimed only at students from Latin America and the support that each scholarship offers varies: some are complete, others only cover the cost of the course. So, you have to look closely at the course you are interested in and see what the specific scholarship offers for it. Whenever the notice opens, we announce it here and it’s a rush: the scholarships are hotly contested.

DAAD scholarships in Germany

I’m suspicious to say, after all, I was a scholarship holder for the DAAD EPOS program – I did my master’s degree in International Media Studies at Deusche Welle, in Bonn, and it was an incredible experience – but the program focused on courses linked to sustainable development in Germany offers great scholarships in Europe. The EPOS program gives full scholarships for courses in different areas (there are economics, journalism, biology, geography, geology, engineering, social, law, mathematics and many other courses) and in several cities in Germany. Most of the courses offered by the DAAD program are for master’s degrees, but there are also some scholarships for doctoral degrees in the program. The good news is that 90% of the courses offered are in English, so you don’t need to be afraid of studying in Germany  because of German! In addition, the scholarship covers health insurance, round-trip air tickets, a monthly stipend and, in several cases, even extra money if you need to travel for your research. The DAAD also has the Helmut Schmidt program of master’s scholarships in Germany in Public Policy and Good Governance and a number of doctoral scholarships in Germany. In other words: there is no better scholarship to study in Germany.

Erasmus Mundus scholarship program in Europe

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees program takes you to study with a scholarship in Europe in at least two countries!!! Look what a wonderful proposal, guys! Yes, these are two-year masters courses in all areas of knowledge with everything paid for. Most courses are English. The Erasmus Mundus scholarship program is fully funded, covering tuition fees, travel costs, and a monthly stipend. The notice always opens its application from October to December. The important thing is to know that you first need to apply to the University of Gothenburg, as without this you cannot apply for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship. Visit how-to-apply website for more details

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