
High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy


High blood pressure during pregnancy is a serious condition that can lead to many health complications for both the mother and baby. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms, as well as ways to reduce your risk.

High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when your body has difficulty regulating its own blood flow. This can cause an increase in stress on vital organs such as the heart and kidneys which could eventually lead to damage if left untreated. During pregnancy this problem is compounded due to changes in hormones levels that occur naturally within a woman’s body throughout her gestation period – these changes make it more likely for high blood pressure issues arise during this time frame than any other point in life!

High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

The most common symptom of high BP during pregnancy is headaches but there are others too like dizziness or vision problems; swelling around eyes/face area; nausea/vomiting; shortness of breath etc.

It’s important that you keep track of any new symptoms you experience so they can be monitored by your doctor closely – especially since some may indicate preeclampsia (a dangerous complication caused by elevated BP). If left untreated it could result in preterm labor & delivery or even stillbirth!

Fortunately there are things women with gestational hypertension can do help lower their risks including: eating healthy foods low sodium diets (no more than 1 teaspoon per day); exercising regularly & avoiding smoking cigarettes while pregnant- all these activities will help maintain good overall health before birth arrives!

Additionally monitoring BP readings at home using an automatic device recommended by doctors will also give them peace mind knowing what their numbers look like without having go into clinic every few weeks just check up on things- plus getting regular prenatal care from qualified healthcare professionals should always remain top priority no matter what stage mommy-to-be finds herself at currently.

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