
Cigarettes: Effects, Dangers And How To Stop Smoking It


Cigarette smoking is one of the most dangerous habits that a person can have. It has been linked to numerous health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and stroke. But what are some of the other effects of cigarettes?

Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes

1. Your lungs

Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals which irritate and damage lung tissue over time. This leads to chronic bronchitis and emphysema – two serious respiratory conditions that cause difficulty breathing, coughing up mucus (smoker’s cough), wheezing, chest tightness or pain with exertion or when lying down flat in bed at night (orthopnea). Long-term smokers often suffer from shortness-of breath even while resting due to their damaged lung tissue not being able to exchange oxygen as efficiently as it should be able too!

2. Increased risk for cardiovascular diseases

Such as coronary artery disease (heart attack) or stroke due its ability to constrict blood vessels throughout our bodies leading them more prone towards clotting events which can lead these aforementioned diseases if left unchecked! Additionally nicotine found within cigarettes also increases one’s risk for high blood pressure & cholesterol levels – both known contributors towards heart attacks/strokes so this further compounds upon existing risks posed by smoking itself!

Cigarette smoking

3. Social effects

There are many social effects associated with cigarette use such as bad breath/body odor; yellow teeth; stained fingers & fingernails all contributing factors towards making someone less desirable in terms social circles they may find themselves partaking within – especially those who do not partake in said habit themselves but instead surround themselves around those who do thus creating an awkward atmosphere between parties involved…not only this but secondhand smoke poses a very real threat even non-smokers alike since inhaling any amount can still carry potential health risks despite no direct inhalation occurring from oneself directly lighting up either!!

In conclusion we see how devastatingly powerful cigarettes truly are when it comes down their various negative impacts upon our lives whether physical mental emotional etc..and although progress has been made via public awareness campaigns etc., unfortunately much work still needs done before true “change” occurs so until then let us continue educating ourselves others about dangers posed through tobacco use order ensure everyone remains safe & healthy always!!!

How To Stop Smoking Cigarettes

Are you ready to quit smoking cigarettes? It can be one of the most difficult habits to break, but it’s worth it for your health and wellbeing. Smoking cigarettes has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other serious illnesses. Quitting will reduce your risk of these diseases while also improving your overall quality of life.

1. Recognize that you want or need to stop smoking cigarettes.

Once you make this decision for yourself it’s important that you take action right away as delaying could lead to further difficulties in quitting down the road. Start by making a plan on how exactly how are going implement this change into our lifestyle; set goals such as avoiding triggers like certain places or people who encourage us smoke or creating a timeline with milestones along the way so we can track our progress towards becoming smoke-free!

2. Try out different methods until something sticks

Whether its using nicotine gum/patches/lozenges and slowly reducing intake over time (known as “tapering off”), joining support groups like Nicotine Anonymous where members share their experiences with each other & help keep each other accountable; trying alternative activities like yoga/meditation which have been shown helpful when dealing with cravings etc., there are many options available depending on what works best for us individually!

3. Remember not give up if things don’t go according too plan

Setbacks are expected during any journey & should only serve as motivation rather than discouragement from reaching our goal! With enough dedication & perseverance anyone can successfully quit smoking cigarettes – all they need is patience + determination plus some encouragement from friends family who care about them

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